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The development space and performance of nylon cable ties are introduced

2021-10-25 07:58:17

We can casually recall that this special tool made of grass is very easy to break in the environment of gentle wind and sun, and the plastic strapping tape often used not long ago is also very easy to regolith, therefore, more and more people tend to use nylon cable ties, second, the traditional cable ties must be tied and fixed according to the method of tying knots.The nylon cable tie must only be gently pulled to be firmly fixed, which is much simpler to apply than the traditional method.

At the present stage, the production and manufacturing regulations of plastic products are obviously strengthened, and the price of steel, iron and other products continues to rise. Therefore, no matter from which level, the sales market demand of nylon cable ties is more and more large, and it has a very broad and stable development future.

Before nylon cable ties were introduced into People's Daily life, people used the rope twisted by corn or straw, commonly known as "grass moon". In fact, nowadays, there are many remote rural applications of this kind of "grass rope around the tree trunk" to tie things.

The effect of nylon cable is relatively single, the key is for everyone fixed binding things, but because of its accuracy, so it is widely used in a variety of places of objects binding, such as Christmas gift factory, hardware factory, etc., but it must be noted that this kind of cable is based on novel design, using the basic principle of the sliding teeth before and after the shift to complete the binding,Therefore, its quality must be good, especially the wear resistance of the sliding teeth should be able to withstand a certain amount of strength, otherwise the nylon cable tie clock will be broken and lose its effect.

Do you have a special fondness for such small objects? If you must, ask for it quickly.

Nylon cable tie is a kind of binding cable tie made of nylon material, also known as polyester lock tie, cable tie, etc. Nylon cable tie is widely used in daily life, relatively simple and convenient, and has been loved by a lot of people. Therefore, there are a lot of types of nylon cable tie.Identification cable tie, aircraft head cable tie, fish bone cable tie, Naihou cable tie, etc.

In the whole process of application, we must also pay attention to the following influencing factors, first of all, because the cable is plastic material, so suffer from the harm of temperature, nylon cable temperature range is about -40~85C middle, still can maintain excellent mechanical equipment characteristics, second, because the cable with a certain water absorption performance, once its moisture content increases,The ductility may be improved, but the compressive strength and stiffness drop more and more sharply, and the actual application effect will be greatly reduced. Then, the high quality resistance to organic chemical corrosion, nylon cable tie can be maintained in the natural environment of strong acid and alkali for a long time, but if it is a strong alkali or phenolic compounds, its characteristics may change greatly. Nylon cable tie is a rubber product.It uses nylon 66 polyester by injection molding process, and the physical properties of the cable ties are very excellent. Not only that, but also the binding ring diameter and tensile strength of the nylon cable ties with different specifications and models are different, so there is no doubt that the nylon cable ties can solve the different binding natural environment, and further improve the practical effect of the application.

The selection of nylon cable ties can start from the following two key points: one is the appearance quality. Generally, plastic products have some small defects, such as insufficient material, deformation, bubble, etc. Although this defect does not harm the application, it is the potential threat to cause safety accidents. Therefore, customers must carefully check part of the tooth belt when purchasing, to prevent the purchase of poor products.The second is to care about the characteristic quality of nylon cable ties, nylon cable ties is an important research point is its blurting ability, according to the cable ties to increase a certain force, how much is the bearing capacity of the cable ties, so as to judge the quality of the cable ties, these Lashen high flexibility, good plasticity of the cable ties, can well meet the application requirements of customers, so as to control the cost.

With the development trend of economic development and the advancement of social production, the application scope of nylon cable ties is increasingly broad and gradually involved in all industries. The production and manufacturing of nylon cable ties are also gradually increasing. However, the technology and quality of each producer are completely different, and the products produced by them are also uneven and diffuse throughout the consumer market.For the users of cable ties, they must have some basic knowledge before they can choose their own high cost performance nylon cable ties.

Nylon cable tie


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