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Methods and applications for improving the toughness of flexible nylon cable ties

2021-10-25 07:58:44

With the development trend of industrial production, flexible nylon cable ties have been widely used in China. In the specific application of flexible nylon cable ties, because of its insufficient compressive strength and weak toughness, the customer has a weak sense of application. Then how to improve the toughness of flexible nylon cable ties?The cable tie manufacturer should select polyester raw material with good toughness to ensure the flexible nylon cable tie has excellent toughness. Second, appropriate toughening agent can be selected to modify the raw material, so as to reasonably improve the toughness of the raw material. However, in the whole process of raw material modification, appropriate toughening agent should be manipulated.If too much will reduce the fluidity of the loose nylon cable tie, it is also very easy to cause the production and processing problems of the raw material stratification, harm the tone of the loose nylon cable tie, on the contrary, if a small amount, it can not really improve the toughness of the raw material.In addition to starting from raw materials, post-production should be done to improve the toughness of flexible nylon cable ties, so as to ensure the excellent toughness of flexible nylon cable ties.

The flexible nylon cable tie can be boiled or steamed in tap water, before the application of the flexible nylon cable tie, put into the pot for one hour, so that the flexible nylon cable tie can absorb enough water, the nylon cable tie can also be placed in a bucket, and then poured into the appropriate water soaked for two to three hours, or can use a medical needle,Introduce appropriate water into the flexible nylon cable ties, and then store it in a cool and shaded natural environment for two to three days. In this way, the toughness of the flexible nylon ties can be improved.

The color of the loose nylon cable tie with color will change after boiling, and there will be water marks and white spots on the surface. With humidifying steam, the circulation can be manipulated, and the precise manipulation can manipulate white spots and water marks.Nylon cable tie is one of the most commonly used cable tie products in the market today. The key is the production of cable tie products made of nylon material. At this stage, it has been widely used in various fields to carry out the application of binding, which has shown great assistance in everyone's daily life.If there has been concern about cable strap products, people are likely to have a certain grasp, at the beginning, in the absence of cable strap products, we are using some rope or cable strap products to carry out some cable products, but with the development of nylon cable strap products and into the sales market, cable strap products were quickly replaced by nylon cable.Gradually fading cable strap sales market, why nylon cable strap can so quickly attract the eyes of the general customer, the favor, in fact, the key is in the main use level design scheme of the following many key points.The key reason for the significant difference between the two products in the level of main use is that in the level of production and manufacturing materials, nylon cable ties are different from the previous products using PVC and chemical fiber materials, which has improved the traditional application of terylene 66 raw materials for injection molding. In these aspects, the two products have caused significant differences in the level of application.

Take PVC material to talk, this kind of raw materials in fact is not especially in line with the environmental protection regulations of today's social and economic development, second in the product production and manufacturing level, the quality of the production and manufacturing of products is also there are certain shortcomings, especially with the long-term application of the whole process, there will be some erosion or embrittleness,That in fact is relatively speaking at the level of bundling is not particularly smooth, after the use of bundled objects can cause a lot of trouble.The polyester 66 material used in the nylon cable tie has excellent acid resistance, corrosion resistance and not easy to embrittlement characteristics, which can ensure a very stable binding characteristics in the later application level.

Flexible nylon cable tie

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