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304 stainless steel cable ties

304 stainless steel cable ties

  • Classification:Stainless steel cable tie
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-12-06 15:20:42
  • Product overview

Stainless steel cable tie is a kind of stainless steel products mainly used for industrial binding fixing, because of its stainless steel material, so it has stainless steel chemical corrosion resistance medium (acid, alkali, salt and other chemical erosion) corrosion characteristics.At the same time, stainless steel cable tie products are not limited by the shape and size of the bound object, simple cable tie structure simplifies the complexity of the traditional hoop, good fastening performance to ensure the safety of the bound object, stainless steel cable anticorrosion and high temperature resistant material, to ensure the beautiful environment and fire protection requirements.

There are three common stainless steel materials, 201 stainless steel cable ties, 304 stainless steel cable ties, 316 stainless steel cable ties, their corrosion resistance also increases in turn, so in the selection of stainless steel cable ties due to the needs of the project, the use of the environment to choose the corresponding material.Specific reference can be made to the following three points

1. First of all, we should confirm the working condition of the binding object, whether it is a corrosive environment or an ordinary natural environment, and choose the material to determine

2, confirm the requirements of their binding objects, whether it is very tight, or just ordinary fastening, is hard, hard and soft or soft fastening, determine different styles of cable ties, such as rolled stainless steel cable ties, plastic-coated stainless steel cable ties, stainless steel cable ties, bead type, coating and so on

There are many varieties of stainless steel cable ties, and each cable tie has its advantages and disadvantages in the process of use.In comparison, the use of sprayed stainless steel cable ties is more than that of other cable ties, the main reason is that sprayed stainless steel cable ties have more advantages.First of all, spray stainless steel cable ties in the production process reflects the characteristics of speed, the length of each roll in 30 meters, small volume, easy to carry.According to different binding intercepts suitable scale, reduce the appearance of data waste.Secondly, spray stainless steel cable ties in the production of professional tension things, to ensure that the low tension of the cable ties are more than 2000 pounds.On the binding of irregular objects, it is easy to bind the objects firmly.Second, it reduces the appearance of capital use.Many ties cooperate with other ties in the process of binding objects, adding the stability of the object at a time.The use of spray stainless steel cable ties can achieve different effects of cable ties together, save inventory and ensure the normal production of other industries.Finally, spray stainless steel cable ties have good high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, on the occasion of high demand for corrosion and acid protection, stainless steel cable ties are a good choice.

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