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Wire covered tube

Wire covered tube

  • Classification:Wound wound pipe
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-12-06 15:11:18
  • Product overview

Wire wrapping tube is the sheath of the wire, adding a layer of protection to the wire.Sometimes the wires are bundled with the air conditioning copper pipes, which can also insulate the wires and prevent the plastic from aging.Does it need to be glued one by one or is it a hassle?It doesn't matter. There are easier ways to do it.The wire wrapping tube is actually a plastic spiral tube, which can easily wrap the wire in the spiral tube, so that the whole package looks like a wire.

1. Material: PE(Wire trimmer ABS)

2. End method: Cut the required length, with a special tool, one hand on the top, pull the tool down, can instantly complete the whole line work.

3. End force: If the product is easy to be removed due to changes in use, the winding force will remain unchanged when the original winding belt is reused.

4. Use: beautiful and safe end wire and protect wire from cutting and insulation.Special color, receive customized.

The great method of wire storage

The cable storage box is the simplest and most direct method. It is divided into multiple layers. The bottom is dedicated to the socket, while the upper layer can house the router of the computer or the set-top box of the TV.It is necessary to remind you that the wire management box needs to be selected according to the size of the slot, and it is recommended to buy a larger size.


Last:Wire wound tube2022-12-06
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