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Round steel nail wire card

Round steel nail wire card

  • Classification:Steel nail wire card
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-12-06 15:18:27
  • Product overview

Steel nail wire card is a plastic product.PE material injection molding, high elasticity, impact resistance, never break.Product series for the stud type, steel nail directly attached to the online card, can save a lot of time, reduce the construction cost.Usage: Put the wire in the card and nail the steel nail to the wall with a hammer to fix the wire.Purpose: General indoor wiring fixed wire.

Steel nail line card is a very common small object in life, everyone's home should be used, but we often see but do not know the name of this thing, so show you the product picture of steel nail card line, I believe you will come out of the original is this thing ah feeling.In general, the installation of many lines at home will be used to just set a look, but a small product can bring us great convenience, the line is the need of steel nail line card to fix.Steel nail wire card belongs to a kind of plastic products, is a Nevada professional production of plastic products.It's very elastic, it's not brittle plastic, so it's very durable.And it is very convenient to use and the cost is low, so the steel nail line card is very popular in life.Steel nail line card is generally used in wood, brick wall, cement mortar and other materials, not only in life and in large buildings and other places is also used very much.Because the steel nail wire card market is very large, so the market steel nail wire card manufacturers are also very many, and the types of steel ingot line is also very much, we simply talk about the classification of steel nail wire card, to give you a little reference to buy.Mainly talk about several steel nail line card mainly used in what place.

On the current market of steel nail line card, there are a lot of types have been able to meet the needs of most people, we can buy according to their own needs and use purposes.Steel nail line card has a variety of different styles, you can understand their needs according to the introduction of steel nail line card.

Round steel nail wire card: round nails due to the relatively cheap price and very many models, suitable for all kinds of places, so the probability of round nails being used is relatively large, generally suitable for the fixing of the bottom structure, but he determined that the strength is relatively small, in the wet environment is easy to rust and is not very convenient to use, the need for professional drilling to drill holes.

Nail: nail round nail is the same, also need a professional mosquito nail gun to punch holes, but has the advantage of not easy to rust, is also a lower price of a steel nail line card.

Straight nail: Generally straight steel nail wire card we use on the surface plate for fixing, but also need a special straight nail gun to use, but not easy to rust, and use straight nails to fix the surface panel, mainly because it is not easy to be seen, for beauty is very important, later do not need to cover up the traces of the steel nail wire card to carry out special decoration.So when fixing the surface nail is the most used of a kind of steel nail line card.

Corrugated nails: Commonly used in tile fixation, such as asbestos shingles and other products, can also be used in connecting wood parts.

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