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Nylon self-locking cable tie

Nylon self-locking cable tie

  • Classification:Self-locking cable tie
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-12-06 15:19:58
  • Product overview

Why is nylon self-locking cable tie widely used?

The application value of nylon self-locking cable tie is known to be very large, easy to bundle design, widely used in a number of industries.This product is particularly common in everyday life.So why are these products so common in practice?It's time to analyze the advantages of the product.

1. Good insulation

This is basic, in daily life is often needed to tie wire and other wires, if the self-locking nylon cable tie has no insulation, then there is no sense, can not be used in the live place, otherwise there will be the risk of leakage, safety can not be guaranteed, the application is very inconvenient, so have good insulation is the basic attribute.

2. It has flame retardant

Plastic flame retardant grade to achieve UL determination of 94V-2.This is also a bonus for nylon plastic materials.

3. It doesn't age well

This is also a feature of self-locking nylon cable ties, which can be used for a long time without much loss of mechanical properties.Compared with other materials, the life of plastic is much longer, which is a very big advantage.

4. Corrosion resistance

Corrosion resistance allows the product to be adapted to more environments, so that its application scope is not limited to indoor or dry places.It has excellent resistance to chemical corrosion, but it should be noted that strong acids and phenolic chemicals affect its properties.

5. Low temperature resistance

Nylon self-locking cable tie can be used at minus 40 degrees, naturally, it also depends on the material, some products are not good material, easy to break at low temperature.Therefore, in the low temperature application, we must pay attention to whether the purchase of the product can withstand the temperature of the environment.

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