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Flexible nylon cable tie

Flexible nylon cable tie

  • Classification:Loose type cable tie
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-12-06 15:38:22
  • Product overview

Product: Flexible nylon cable tie

Features: Aging resistance, UV resistance, low temperature resistance, high temperature resistance.

Cable tie material: PA66

Operating temperature: -40℃ to 130℃.

Material: Made of UL approved nylon 66 material, fire rating 94V-2 Description: Acid resistant, corrosion resistant, not easy to age.

With the development trend of industrial production, flexible nylon cable ties have been widely used in China. In the specific application of flexible nylon cable ties, because of its insufficient compressive strength and weak toughness, the customer has a weak sense of application. Then how to improve the toughness of flexible nylon cable ties?The cable tie manufacturer should select polyester raw material with good toughness to ensure the flexible nylon cable tie has excellent toughness. Second, appropriate toughening agent can be selected to modify the raw material, so as to reasonably improve the toughness of the raw material. However, in the whole process of raw material modification, appropriate toughening agent should be manipulated.If too much will reduce the fluidity of the loose nylon cable tie, it is also very easy to cause the production and processing problems of the raw material stratification, harm the tone of the loose nylon cable tie, on the contrary, if a small amount, it can not really improve the toughness of the raw material.In addition to starting from raw materials, post-production should be done to improve the toughness of flexible nylon cable ties, so as to ensure the excellent toughness of flexible nylon cable ties.

How to solve the problem that loose nylon cable ties break easily at low temperature?

In everyone's life, there are many special places to apply the loose nylon cable tie. In everyone's general understanding, the product has corrosion resistance, acid resistance, not easy to aging, and it has a very good insulation performance and bearing capacity.Anything has advantages must have defects, so the loose nylon cable tie also has its defects, that is easy to break at low temperature.This problem has been troubling the majority of consumers, so low temperature easy to fold this problem we how to solve?There are actually several ways to solve this problem:

1. Two to three days before we apply the product, we will take out the packing bag with flexible nylon cable tie and pour 5-10ML pure water into the packing bag. We must pay attention to the fact that the filling must be pure water.Therefore, we must be careful when filling water.

2. What if we don't have enough time to wait for two or three days or we need to apply urgently?Then we also have a way, that is to use boiling water to bubble loose nylon cable ties, the products to be applied all poured out into the bucket, and then everyone in advance to boil good boiling water into the bucket, soak two to three hours of time can be assured of application.

3, if you really can't wait for two or three hours, then there is another way to let you use as soon as possible, that is the application of steam, the flexible nylon cable tie can be put into the vessel to form steam, let the steam steam in it for an hour can solve the low temperature easy to fold the situation.This kind of simple and convenient method can easily solve the low temperature easy to fold the condition of nylon cable ties.

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