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Zhejiang Huaju Plastics Co., LTD

Contact: Manager Zhu

Contact number: +86 13868896608

Contact us at :173060540@qq.com

Address: Taiwan Business Industrial Zone, Yanhou Village, Liushi Town, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Web site:www.huajusl.com

Nylon cable ties are widely used

2021-10-31 12:00:35

Nylon cable tie because of its design scheme is more delicate structure, the precision of abrasive tools is clearly proposed higher than the general plastic products to the regulation of the whole process of a component must be a long time, the general nylon cable tie is one-time use, taking into account the binding effect and anti-counterfeit identification effect, if a after opening,Private dismantling will be difficult to add the product completely the same nylon cable tie, this kind of way is simple and reasonable, so it is widely used.

The application industry of nylon cable ties

The vast majority of nylon cable ties are not disassembled and can not be turned back. For a very few unique types, this kind of effect will occur. Today, polyester 666 commonly used in the production and manufacturing of most nylon cable ties companies is a raw material that has been verified by relevant departments and can be used on a large scale.With this very high flame retardant grade index value and high flammability, it can be widely used in transportation, electronic devices, small toys, stationery, stationery, textile light industry.

Special features of nylon cable ties

Nylon cable can resist corrosion and acid performance is good, no electrical conductivity is also very anti-aging, has a very high capacity, and then minus 20 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Celsius can be all normal application will not be blocked, the use of work on the computer cable is very common, it can make the computer on the internal tangled lines more and more obvious orderly,In addition, the indoor and outdoor power transmission lines and the fuselage lines of heavy machinery and equipment can be combed and simplified with nylon tie.

Now some factories on the nylon cable demand is very large, in addition to the TV internal electrode connection line bundling, LED and other procedures such as the simplification of the internal line control products, and agriculture and animal husbandry, agricultural products into bundling products, are also must use nylon tie to bring into full play.

Nylon cable tie


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