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Zhejiang Huaju Plastics Co., LTD

Contact: Manager Zhu

Contact number: +86 13868896608

Contact us at :173060540@qq.com

Address: Taiwan Business Industrial Zone, Yanhou Village, Liushi Town, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Web site:www.huajusl.com

Methods for improving the toughness of flexible nylon cable ties

2021-10-31 14:07:28

With the development of industry, the flexible nylon cable tie has been widely used in our country.In the actual use of flexible nylon cable ties, due to its insufficient strength and poor toughness, bring the user a poor sense of use, so how to improve the toughness of flexible nylon cable ties?The following describes how to improve the toughness of nylon cable ties.

First of all, we can start from the basis of raw materials. Cable tie manufacturers should choose nylon raw materials with good toughness, which can ensure that the flexible nylon tie made with good toughness.Secondly, we can choose the appropriate toughening agent to toughen the raw materials, so as to effectively improve the toughness of raw materials.But in the process of raw material toughening, to control the right amount of toughening agent, if excessive will reduce the fluidity of flexible nylon cable ties, but also easy to lead to the material stratification processing problems, affect the color of flexible nylon cable ties.On the contrary, if a small amount, it can not really improve the toughness of raw materials.

In addition to starting from the material, improving the toughness of flexible nylon cable ties should also be done after treatment, so as to ensure the good toughness of flexible nylon cable ties.

The flexible nylon cable ties can be boiled or steamed. Before using the flexible nylon cable ties, put them in the pot and cook for about one hour, so that the flexible nylon cable ties can absorb enough water.You can also put the flexible nylon cable tie in the bucket, and then pour the right amount of water to soak for two to three hours.Or you can use a medical needle to inject appropriate amount of water into the loose nylon cable tie, and then put it in a cool and dark environment for two to three days, so that you can achieve the purpose of improving the toughness of the loose nylon cable tie.

The color of the loose nylon cable tie will change after boiling, and there will be water stains and white spots on the surface. With humidifying steam, controlling the circulation system, and accurate control, white spots and water stains can be controlled.

Flexible nylon cable tie

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