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Tile leveling device

Tile leveling device

  • Classification:other
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-12-06 15:25:42
  • Product overview

In the decoration work inside the house, in fact, the important thing is not the style and quality, the key is the size and flatness, because only when these two factors are in place, the above two situations can be realized, otherwise more often, the style of perfection is not reached, and a difficult operation is the leveling, sometimes the screeper is difficult to take out.So how do you get the tile screamer out?How to make tile leveling?

How do I get the tile screamer out

The sequence and method of removing the screed template should be carried out in accordance with the regulations of the design of the distribution plate, following the principle of supporting before removing, non-load-bearing parts before load-bearing parts, and top-down. Sledgehammer and crowbar are strictly prohibited when removing the mold.

1. Remove the side template first, and then the bearing template.

2, the combination of large template should be removed as a whole.

3, the supporting parts and connecting parts should be removed with the piece, the template should be transferred with the block disassembly, removal shall not damage the template and concrete.

4. The removed templates and accessories should be sorted and stacked neatly, and the accessories should be placed in the tool box.

How to make tile leveling

1, cement mortar leveling: suitable for all kinds of ground, all kinds of floor laying before the ground leveling.The leveling thickness is too thick in 25 ~ 35mm, if the ratio of cement mortar is not correct, the surface layer will be silted sand, ash and crack.The floor (composite floor) and the screed layer form some gaps, people step on the ground after the pressure of the dust scattered around, and then out of the expansion joint.Through the baseboard spread out, forming the phenomenon of ash.In addition, the cement mortar leveling is not careful place will appear empty drum phenomenon.

2, gypsum leveling: can be used for local leveling, does not increase the ground, leveling thickness is about 5 ~ 20mm, almost no impact on the height of the room, fast drying speed, relatively cheap price, convenient construction.But it can only be used for leveling in a small area.

3. Self-leveling and leveling: no segregation (the various components of cement mortar in the whole construction process and hydration reaction is not separated), no sand, no dust, no cracks;The shrinkage rate is low, usually in 0.3 ~ 0.4 ‰, after hydration reaction, there is no crack on the surface, the shrinkage rate of ordinary cement is large, easy to crack.The construction thickness is thinner at 2-5mm.The surface can be removed 4-8 hours after construction, and the floor can be paved 36-48 hours later.But to do not do local, need to do the whole house.

Tile leveler, also known as tile leveler, for ordinary workers, when the new house is decorated, it is very excited, a lot of ideas but no experience, so it is very step pit.Today, Xiaobian will tell the new owner about the need to pay attention to the items when pasting tile.

Tile leveling is a very key step. The hall is an area with a large range of activities. Generally, we will choose ceramic tiles.In the past, pasting is directly selected more experienced teachers, such as Sichuan tile master is very famous.But if the bad luck encountered the technology of the general tiling master, then it is very depressed, and can not be replaced halfway.With the progress of science and technology, people invented the tile leveler, also known as tile leveler or tile pager.With this tool, whether old master or small white, is very convenient, paste fast and flat.Ceramic tile screeds are currently divided into two kinds on the market, one is a disposable screeds, the other is a rotary reusable screeds.

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