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Tile positioning screamer

Tile positioning screamer

  • Classification:other
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-12-06 15:26:28
  • Product overview


Indoor tile is very good, so that the overall effect of the interior is very good, but we should pay attention to the details of the construction, especially the leveling problem, so as not to affect the later living.So what are the shortcomings of the tile screamer, and what do you need to pay attention to when you paste tile? Do you understand?Now let's find out.

First, what are the disadvantages of ceramic tile positioning screamer

1, tile with the leveling device, the overall effect is not very good;2, in the process of using the screamer, need to borrow other items, direct use of cement sand leveling difficulty;3. The leveling device is difficult to operate and needs to be executed by professionals;4. Incorrect construction of the screeper will lead to poor overall effect.

Two, what do you need to pay attention to tile

1. Before putting on the tile, it is necessary to put the tile into the water to soak for 2 to 3 hours, until the tile will not bubble out again, so that the tile can be taken out.Only when the ceramic tile absorbs enough water, in the later ordinary process, it will not absorb the water in the material, which will reduce the occurrence of empty drum.

2, if the wall brick, but also need to set the auxiliary line, so in the process of brick, so as not to let stick crooked, to ensure the overall beautiful effect.Therefore, the vertical line needs to be hung on the wall, and then the horizontal line is arranged. The ceramic tile posted out can have the characteristics of "horizontal and vertical", and the overall decorative effect will be better.

3, before the indoor tile, it is necessary to wrap the water pipe, not only to ensure the beauty, but also to make the subsequent construction more convenient.In addition, if the tiles on the balcony are attached, it is necessary to paint a layer of cement mortar on the base, so that the tiles can stick more firmly and reduce the situation of falling off.

What are the disadvantages of ceramic tile leveling device, and what need to pay attention to ceramic tile, first introduced here, whether you understand it.Although the ceramic tile leveling device is more useful, it should also be used by professionals, otherwise it is difficult to achieve the desired effect.

For tile leveling device, everyone is not strange, it is a common tool of ground leveling, it can be used for DIY tile, can also be used for tile paving.Because it is difficult to keep the surface of the tile smooth when you are laying tile, and the surface of the tile is not smooth, it will give people a distorted visual sense, and it looks very uncomfortable, so you need to use the tile screeper for leveling.So, how does a tile screamer work?Here we will introduce in detail: is the ceramic tile screeper easy to use and the use of ceramic tile screeper, hope to give you some help.

Is it easy to use tile leveling device:

When laying tile, we must first leveling, and leveling method has 3 kinds, one is to use cement leveling, in laying tile.The second is to first play a layer of keel, and then lay a layer of joinery board, and then lay a solid wood composite floor.The third is to use ceramic tile leveling device, but there are many shortcomings in the use of ceramic tile leveling device, such as: when it is operated, it needs a item to measure, and it needs professionals to operate according to the specification, in order to play the real effect, so it is not very good.There is a need for leveling friends as far as possible to use the method of cement leveling, so that the effect is excellent.

Use of tile positioning screamer:

1, before use, we should first clean the surface, no scratches, no color difference, no cracks, no pollution, no edges, off the Angle and other phenomena.

2. The seam of the floor tile side and the corner should be suitable, and the skirting line should cover the gap.

3. When checking the flatness, a 2M level should be used for inspection, where the error should not exceed 3mm and the height difference between adjacent bricks should not exceed 2mm.

4, in the operation, the floor must be firmly glued, the empty drum must be controlled within 5%, the area of single empty drum can not exceed 10%, so as not to affect the beauty and firmness of the ceramic tile.

5, floor tile seam width 2mm, not more than 3mm.In addition, it should be even and straight.

6. The horizontal error shall not exceed 4mm.

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Next:Tile leveling device2022-12-06
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