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Insulated yellow wax tube

Insulated yellow wax tube

  • Classification:other
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-12-06 15:30:35
  • Product overview

Yellow wax tube (polyvinyl chloride glass fiber hose) is an electrical insulating paint tube made of non-alkali glass fiber woven and plastinated with polyethylene resin.This tube has good softness, elasticity, insulation and chemical resistance.

Yellow wax tube is suitable for electrical, electrical, instrument, radio and other devices wiring insulation and mechanical protection.

The traditional yellow wax tube is generally white, and the main raw material is glass fiber, which is finished by drawing, weaving and adding insulating varnish.

In the process of wiring (network cable, wire, audio line, etc.), if you need to go through the wall, or the dark line through the beam column, the wire needs to be protected and anti-strain, anti-rat bite, etc., at this time, you need to use the yellow wax tube.

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