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Plum number pipe

Plum number pipe

  • Classification:other
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-12-06 15:31:19
  • Product overview

The number tube of plum blossom is widely used in the electric power and telecommunications industries. The purchase of number tube needs to be considered from many aspects. What kind of number tube of plum blossom is good?PVC plum number pipe is recommended. Plum number pipe has various specifications, reliable quality, flame retardant, acid and alkali corrosion resistance.

Plum Number Tube product Overview:

Material: Soft PVC, blank, plum pipe, with inner teeth, inner diameter scalability.


Material environmental protection: PVC plum number pipe through the international RoHS authoritative certification, the material is more environmental protection.

Various contents: mark different cables with words, letters, symbols, colors, etc. The colors should be easy to identify or identify, so as to correctly connect electrical appliances.

Flame retardant is safer: the surface is treated with special electrostatic, which is safer.

Adaptability to high and low temperatures: Broad adaptability to high and low temperatures.

Strong adsorption: unique matte material, bright surface, stronger adsorption, printing text clearer.

Single roll longer: PVC number pipe compared with other materials, the same quality, single roll longer meters.

Variety of colors: Provide a variety of colors and other special specifications of the custom service.


Last:Expansion tube2022-12-06
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